aku sanggup tak makan, tak tidow, tak update blog semata2 melayan soaLan2 member YS tuh.
da 9 bulan kot aku join tapi akhir2 ni makin menggila pulak.ngee.
diz is my latest profile pic at YS. aku jadi avril.haha.
avril yang suka menjawab berbanding bertanya.
dat's me. ngeh3. lantak la.
bila da terjebak susah wuu nak tahan nafsu ni..hee..
friendster lak hampir2 pupus dari ingatan.kui3.
ni aku nak repost satu buletin kt FS zaman aku comeyl2 dulu. :P
1. How am I feeling today?
Cinta Kosmik - The Fabulous Cat
Cinta Kosmik - The Fabulous Cat
[ maksud nye cinta yang membara2? hehe.ye kot. ]
2. Will I get far in life?
Get It On - Bittersweet
[ yeah..semangat2!! haha. ]
3. How do my friends see me?
Tik Tok - Kesha
3. How do my friends see me?
Tik Tok - Kesha
[ nasib baik bukan ting tong..ngee ]
4. Where will I get Married?
Retro Mimpiku - The Lipstick
4. Where will I get Married?
Retro Mimpiku - The Lipstick
[ pe kaitan?? hanya mimpi?? uwaa.nak nanges. ]
5. What is my best friend's theme song?
What U Got - Colby O'Donis
5. What is my best friend's theme song?
What U Got - Colby O'Donis
[ xreti nak tafsir camne..he3. ]
6. What is the story of my life?
Trouble is A Friend - Lenka
6. What is the story of my life?
Trouble is A Friend - Lenka
[ btol la tu..hidop penuh trouble.hee ]
7. What is/was highschool like?
Fashion - Lady Gaga
7. What is/was highschool like?
Fashion - Lady Gaga
[ mane ade fashion.uniform ade la :P ]
8. How can I get ahead in life?
Sugar - Flo Rida
8. How can I get ahead in life?
Sugar - Flo Rida
[ kena makan banyak gula kot ]
9. What is the best thing about me?
Hati Bentuk Cinta - Elyana
[ kakaka..loving person kowt aku ni ]
10. How is today going to be?
Ichirin No Hana - Takashi Matsumoto
10. How is today going to be?
Ichirin No Hana - Takashi Matsumoto
[ xpaham maksud nye.minat lagu je.he. ]
11. How does the world see me?
Crawling - Linkin Park
[ ingat aku baby ke..ai ]
12. What is some good advice for me?
Owl City - Fireflies
12. What is some good advice for me?
Owl City - Fireflies
[ kena pindah pegi bandar burung hantu ke? xpaham.haha ]
13. What do I think my current theme song is?
Jangan Pernah Berubah - ST12
13. What do I think my current theme song is?
Jangan Pernah Berubah - ST12
[ wow.. :P ]
14. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Cinta Sempurna - Yuna
14. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Cinta Sempurna - Yuna
[ wujud ke..? xsemua perfect la ]
15. What type of men/women do you like?
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
15. What type of men/women do you like?
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
[ hahah..ntah pape :P ]
fuhh ~ ! penat gak buat benda ni.haha.
tapi best kan.korang try la.
layannnn ~~
macam2 kan.. masa berlalu minat pun berubah kan..
sharinginfoz : yup so true..mengikot arus zmn kata orang..hehe
fs langsung dah ditelan zaman.hehehe :P btw, youthsay selalu antar survey ker kat ice?
s h a f i q h a s h i m : xde la..jarang2.minggu lps ade satu je klu x silap. huhu..dk mnunggu survey ni :P
best ke youthsay tu???
org tak de acc youthsay lah... :D
bes2..YS ni tmpt tukar2 pdpt, jwb n tanya pape je soalan..
n lg bes sbb stiap soalan n jwpn tu ade point.leh kumpul untuk bid hadiah mcm ipod n len2.
bile jwb survey lak leh dpt duit..ade member y da dpt lebih rm100..kira nya YS ni leh jana pdptn gak r..kih2..
berminat?? sila la register..guna link kt ats ye..hee :)
twitter tak join?
nanti boleh tak tido malam jugak kot.hehe
ys? akan diusha2..k
haha..bhy tul twitter..xmo jOin la.tdo lg bez :P
hye.. salam kenal2..
1. macam mane nak dapt survey kat YS tu? heheh.. nak gak~~ =p
2. macam best je permainan(ye ke?) yang kamu buat ni. nak copy soalan dier bleh? nak wat jugak.. hehhe..
zulaikha : hye2..slm kenal tOo. erh soriiii!!! knapa la ice baru tperasan komen ni.maaf!! 1. register la YS..nti klu ade survey, die akn emel kite. 2. sile2..hehe :P
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